Chapter 2: Page 25 – Let’s End This

It’s on now.  Tenzin has been doing his best to get his squad to safety, doing the strategic thing of running away, but I don’t quite think he cares as much about that anymore.  “Deathbot killed my entire squad?  Time for it to BURN” sort of mentality.  Makes Chapter 3 pretty cool, though 😉

Speaking of, we are now back on Monday and Thursday update schedule, since we caught up to our pre-relaunch point.  So check back on Monday for the beginning of Chapter 3.

Also, check out this sweet review/spotlight that we got over on TopWebComics.  They have a blog section now, and do “Webcomic Wednesday” spotlights.  We signed up, and got review.  Bonus!  Plus, my comments over there led to the creation of a “New Comics” List, for comics that have been on TWC for less than a year.  You’ll be happy to now (especially you, Delta-v) that we are #7 on that list 😉

PS – If you are really sad about there not being a comic update tomorrow (or every weekday now), just go give the Extras section a try.  Got lots of nice articles about back story and tech and etc of the story.  You’d like it 🙂