Chapter 4: Page 19 – Monkling

Happy Monday all!  Yes I know the subject matter is cheerful, but I am because you all rock! 😀

Since Thursday’s update you might not have seen the very cool fanfic and art we posted that we received from Marisa and Michael of the Webcomic Underdogs.  We also got an excellent and thorough review from Vas Littlecrow, who we had previously spotlighted.

Many thanks to those readers who are also supporting us financially via Patreon.  For those of you who don’t know, in return, I give them cool rewards and sneak peeks and other goodies, if any of that is tempting to you.  So far I’ve been able to use those funds in order to advertise our comic and support other cool creator-friends.  If you want to see who I think is cool enough to give money too, check out my list of supportees.  But if you guys give them money and not me, I’ll me mildly annoyed 😉

Again, many thanks and props to Nico for being awesome!  Let us and him know what you think about this page in the comments below 😀

EDIT: I almost forgot!  It’s a new month, and I uploaded a new voting incentive for you over on TWC.  Although they forgot to reset the vote totals for the month…