Chapter 4: Page 24 – Surprise

It’s Thursday!  That means it’s almost Friday 🙂 Some cool things that have happened this week:

  1. We commissioned a really sweet tribute sketch of Viktor that posted on Tuesday.  You should check it out and give the artist some love.
  2. We interviewed cool Philippine doctor/comic creator Carlo Jose San Juan.  He has some fun things to say about creativity and the Philippine comic scene.
  3. Awesome reader Amberlight has been working on a Russian translation of our comic (any other language speakers interested?), and uploading it to a Russian webcomic translation site.  We already have 88 subscribers in less than a week!  I guess Russians like our stuff 🙂
  4. There is a random art contest going on over at  Seba was busy, so I made an entry (in wonderful MS Pain).  You can take a look by clicking the link (and even voting if you want to), and you can help us earn some more free adspace over with them.  So give us a click 😀

So, that’s about it for news this week.  Do let us know what you think about this page, my horrible MS Paint skills, or really anything else. Oh, actually, one other question.  What do you all think about us making a forum for discussion?  The comment sections are starting to get pretty busy.  Let me know your thoughts.