Chapter 4: Page 35 – New Orphans


This page is a powerful one to me.  I like how it matches the layout of 2 pages ago, and also just how these events resonate with Tenzin’s own experiences in the first flashback sequence of Chapter 4.  Great job, Seba 😀

So this is the end of this sequence.  Did you know that Seba wasn’t the first artist to draw out this sequence?  We initially hired artist Joseph Garcia, but since he could only do the inks, and we’d have to pay someone to do the colors anyway, and Seba had a vision of the sequence he wanted to draw, we just let Seba redraw it.  You can see Joseph’s original 11-page version though, by becoming a $2+ a month patron on our Patreon page 😀  This way you get cool stuff and help us pay Seba and buy adspace and etc!

If you hate the idea of Patreon for some reason but still want this version, you can just paypal us ( $3 and I’ll send it to you 😀

We have another sequence starting next week by Nico Leon, the artist who did the awesome 2nd sequence, so make sure to check back 🙂

Don’t forget to vote for us on TWC and to support my wonderfully crappy entry in the current art contest!