Chapter 4: Page 67 – Eh, Droogan?

Man, when Seba first showed me this page, and we decided on the dialogue…shivers.  And probably as close to crying as I normally get.  It’s just a very powerful page to me.

But THEN, he showed me the NEXT page, which is even more powerful/trippy, if you believe it.  You can either wait until Monday, or be a $2 or more patron on our Patreon and see every page a week early 😉

Also, TWC has had a voting error this whole month I believe that basically allows you to vote as often as you want.  So…vote as much as you want, I guess.  I’ve told them about this error several times and they haven’t fixed it yet, so I don’t even feel bad.  Vote a million times if you wish, or just once 🙂