Chapter 5: Page 19 – Jane Has a Plan

Happy Monday all!

First, I’d like to direct your attention to the new menu tab above, “Store”, where you can now find at least basic ebooks for sale and download.  What else would you like to see sold?  I’m already planning on ebooks with bonus content (for a higher cost, of course) 😉

Patreon patrons gets a coupon code that can get them the ebooks for free, and discounts on anything else we put up for sale.

OH, RE Patreon and VATMOSS (EU tax law, only EU residents need to read this part), we’re still trying to figure out how Patreon is going to figure it out.  We might create a similar subscription service through Gumroad (the site I have the store with), who are handing VAT, if Patreon wusses out.

Also since last time, we got 2 pieces of fan art: one of Tenzin, and one of Jane.  You should check them out 😀