Minerva: Chapter Eight – Penumbrae

And we’re back!  Thanks for being patient during the hiatus.  Hopefully you got to see some of the excellent guest pages and fan art that we received, as well as some of the previews to other fine webcomics we posted.

Also, a fun even that happened during the hiatus, we got accepted into the SpiderForest webcomic collective.  A bunch of cool creators and comics over there, mutual support and advice, etc.  There will be some slight site changes (eventually, when Nick isn’t so dang busy), basically adding a banner to other SpiderForest comics you should check out 🙂

Thoughts on this cover?  I think Seba did a wonderful job, and I’m excited for you guys to enjoy this chapter. We’re having a lot of fun making it.  Lots of good stuff.

And conspiracy theorists, start your engines on the meaning of the Chapter title ;P

EDIT: And check out this new fan art we just got of Tenzin and Viktor!