We made a Patreon!

Hey all you lovely readers who either scroll down far enough on the main page to see the blog updates or click on the blog from the menu!  How many of you are there who do that, btw?

Anyways, wanted to let you all know about another opportunity to support The Demon Archives while getting cool extra content for yourselves.  Patreon!

Patreon basically is a subscription service where you pledge a certain amount ($1, $2, etc) a month, and in return get access to bonus content pertaining to your pledge level.  So for example, currently $1 gets you good karma and warm fuzzies sent from me to you, but $2 will get you access to bonus content, sketches, wallpapers, pinups (Deathbot in a bikini, anyone?) etc., and $5 a month will let you see the pages 1 whole week before they get posted on the website.

The whole goal behind this is to fund us paying Seba.  Currently we pay him for all the work he does.  Our budget is not large enough to pay him for many cool things like wallpapers and etc.  Any Patreon funds we get (at least for the foreseeable future) will go towards paying Seba to make cool extra stuff.

So, what do you all think?
