Long weekend – 1000 likes and lots more babysitting

Sorry I haven’t posted in a couple of days.  Between Thanksgiving and Hurricane Sandy cleanup, it has been a very busy weekend for me.  I’m guessing it has been busy for you too, because our readership was down over the weekend.  Hopefully people had a good Thanksgiving holiday, maybe got some good shopping done too.

Any of you dear readers who happen to frequent our Facebook page will already know, we passed the 1000 like mark this weekend.  As of right now we are at about 1400, and growing at about 100-200 likes a day.  That is pretty sweet.  We are all pretty excited about that, and will strive to produce as much good content for you as we can, as fast as we can.  If anyone wants to help fund the effort, again, there are the affiliate links, and we’d never say no to donations 🙂

My church group did a lot of work again this weekend with Hurricane Sandy cleanup.   My contribution this weekend was some cleaning (we had over a hundred volunteers from Virginia come stay in our church building for two days while they served along Jersey Shore) and babysitting for volunteers children.  It was good, but tiring.  I got a headache within a couple of minutes of running around and playing freeze tag, because the kids apparently have unlimited energy when it comes to playing games.

I hope that you all have been checking out the Lore and Science articles.  We are putting a lot of work in to making the world of Minerva as deep and rich as possible.  Please comment and let us know what you are thinking, what you like and don’t like, etc.