9 hours of babysitting…

For the past couple of weeks (and for the next several weeks as well), members of my congregation have been going out to volunteer and help clean up the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy.  Today my wife and I volunteered to babysit the kids of some of the other congregants so they could go out and clean up some people’s houses and such.  So today, instead of studying for my Monday exam, I played with 7 kids for about 9 hours.

Luckily it wasn’t just me.  My wife and another couple were there too.  The kids were also all very well behaved (for the most part), so I don’t have anything to complain about.  It was, however, very tiring.  It is very nice to sit down for a moment and write this blog post before going grocery shopping and then studying some more.

Kids are cute, but I’m really glad they normally only come 1 at a time.  Suddenly having several kids would be way too crazy.

Anyways, I’m tired, so I’m not gonna write much more today.  Do check out the comics and posts from this week.