Hurricane Sandy

This week I experienced my first severe natural disaster, when Hurricane Sandy came ripping through New Jersey.  Growing up in Arizona, the only disasters we ever had were fire and drought, neither of which personally affected me.  This time though, I am right in the middle of it all.  My town didn’t get hit horribly bad, but we still don’t have heat or power three days after the storm.  I had to go onto campus to get electricity, charge phones, check internet and such.

It’s been kind of weird realizing how dependent we are on modern technology.  200 years ago nobody had electricity, and they did pretty well.  I don’t have it for a couple of days and it seems so hard 🙂  It should be back up soon, and I’ll start posting again.  Due to google analytics and stuff we know that we actually are getting some readers, so I’ll keep working at posting content while Nick keeps getting all the back-end programming stuff as perfect as he can.  Until then, a poll/thought:

Who’s been affected by Hurricane Sandy and what are your thoughts on our dependence on electricity and internet?