Electricity! Glorious Electricity! Oh, and launch is today.

This morning, after spending the night in our neighbors’ warm basement, we went back to our apartment briefly to grab some things for school and the power was back on!  Yay!!!  It had apparently been on since around midnight, and the fridge was cold and the apartment was warm and it was awesome!  Hopefully it doesn’t disappear on us again, because I am excited to have my home back.

Also, comic launch is today!  The first three pages (Two covers and 1 content) are already up and looking good.  Nick is still doing some back-end work to make the reader as awesome as possible.  If you are having trouble reading the pages currently, just go to Chapters and click on the Chapter 1 cover.  That will take you to one working form of the reader.  You can also go to the Comic page and look by date.

So read them, like them, comment on them, share them with your friends, whatever.  We hope you enjoy them.

EDIT:  With the site update, the above instructions on how to read the comic are no longer accurate.