New course block and lots of Facebook likes

Good news!  I finished my anatomy block yesterday, and I think all my tests  went very well.   I haven’t seen my scores yet, but my professors were very nice in how they wrote the test.  Many of the questions came directly from practice exams they provided us.  I am very grateful for that, because (as you’d know if you read my previous posts) I didn’t get enough studying time in due to lots of babysitting.

So now I’ve started my next course, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary, which should be fun.  It’ll be this until Christmas.  I’m very excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas break, to have a bit of time off to relax and not have to study.

But enough about me.  The project is going quite well.  As of writing this, our Facebook page has over 370 likes!  That’s crazy!  I only know about 40 of them too, so they aren’t even all my friends.  A lot of them speak Spanish, so rest assured that we are going to be working hard at making our webpage as bilingual as possible.

Keep your eyes open for the latest Science article posted later today, and keep on liking and reading.