Dan life update: Webcomic groups and Heart of the Swarm

My wonderful brother Nick got me Starcraft 2 this last Christmas, with an auto-upgrade for Heart of the Swarm, which activated today. I may or may have not have been playing it for the last 2 hours.  It’s been pretty fun so far.  Pretty standard Starcraft gameplay, but you get to level up the main character, Kerrigan, making it a bit more of an RPG sort of thing.

I probably (read: definitely) should be spending more time studying medical school stuff, but biochemistry is just not as exciting.  🙂  Don’t get me wrong; I’m really glad I have enzymes that digest and metabolize the food I eat and whatnot.  It’s just boring enough that my procrastination filter kicks in hard and puts the studying off until the exam is a bit closer.

So yeah, medical school is going well.  This project is too.  Recently I joined a couple of sweet comic production Facebook and reddit groups (here’s looking at you UnderdogsCreators and Comic Crits) that have helped me learn a lot about making comics.  It’s good to make friends with others in the webcomic trenches.

Seba and Matias are both working hard making comic pages too.  Argentine summer should be ending soon, which will help them both have a bit more time (with kids going back to school and etc), so we should be able to get back up to 2 pages a week soon.  Recently, I also started transcribing the comic pages, as well as working on the Spanish translations of them.

So I’ve been trying to figure out why we’ve been getting hardly any comments on anything.  Not even my mom comments!  I guess you would have to comment to reply, but I’d love to hear if there is something wrong/something we can improve on the site to get more interest.  The comment form is just down a couple of inches…