Artist tryouts – action scene

Thought I’d share with ya’ll the initial pages (corresponding with Chapter 1 Page 23 and 24) that were produced as part of our artist tryouts 2 years ago.

We’d narrowed down our options after seeing some concept art and sketches from several artists (which I’ll upload later as a separate post), and gave the best two that scene (go click on those pages.  It’s easier than describing it) to draw.

Matias Basla made these:



Sebastian Piriz made this:

Both artists made such awesome work, we ended up hiring them both.  Matias helped us out a ton on the design phase (you’ll notice his artistic influence on the armor and feel of many of the things around the world) and drew an upcoming scene in Chapter 4.  He wasn’t able to work with us full time though.  Seba is, as most of you know, the powerhouse and artistic genius of the team we have today.

Hope you enjoyed the little slice of history.