Agent G, by Micah Weltsch

Hey everyone!

It’s been about a month, time for a new post 😉

New in the life of Dan: I think I’m going to ultimately become a Pediatrician, maybe a Pediatric Oncologist. And we just had a new baby girl! 😀

New in the life of the comic: Seba is still pretty busy with a bunch of other paying projects, but thinks he’ll be able to get back to drawing more soon. I also updated the previous post to include the full image instead of just the teaser to the humanitarian campaign.

This piece was commissioned (thank you patreon supports for continuing to give me commissions monies!) of Micah Weltsch of the webcomic The Sparrow. Our favorite mystery spy, Agent G, up to some, ahem, clandestine nighttime activities, perhaps? XD
