Chapter 11: Page 23 – One More Thing

Seba is mid move and craziness, so here, have some inks that still have a couple of missing edits on them. Lucky you all seeing the process! 😉

Speaking of process, I’m uploading the initial page sketches to Patreon for any and all donors. If you’re into that sort of thing, or just want to help us out financially. This will be especially helpful over the next few months as Seba is busy. We’re looking at a couple of ideas, the least favorite of course being an extended hiatus. Going down to once a week updates for a bit seems likely. But I had the idea of commissioning some other artists to draw short Demon Archives stories I write. Do both a little bit of worldbuilding AND make some comic for everyone to read.

Thoughts? Things you think I should write about? 😉

UPDATE: Colors on these two pages, may need edits later. Seba still doesn’t have internet at home :/