Chapter 11: Page 6 – Workstations

The ladies, hard at work.

2 announcements today.  First, since you all obviously like Post-apocalyptic comics, you should check out the Scurry Kickstarter.  It’s an extrememly well made comic, centered on a colony of mice (yes, mice) after some sort of apocalyptic disaster got rid of all the humans. I enjoy it a lot, and you might too XD

Second, I’m participating in the Spider Forest Comic of the Week this month. So every week I’ll share a link to two great comics from Spider Forest you should check out 🙂

A fun world-hopping adventure about a girl who talks to machines, a magical scavenger, and an over-zealous paladin.


Aliens, magic, super powers and Death himself. Keith’s life just got complicated.


Check them out!