Chapter 12: Page 27 – Goodbye, Minerva

Alternate title:

Because Seba is a creative genius XD

That’s a wrap of this chapter, and the beginning of a hiatus! This one will be a bit longer, with new pages starting again on July 3rd, to try to:

  1. Build up a nice buffer so we don’t have late pages and etc like we did this chapter.
  2. Let Seba relax his brain and be creative on different things.
  3. Actually run the kickstarter for Chapters 1-3! I just ordered a test printing, which if all goes well will be part of the project video. Expect that shortly!

As always, I’ll still be posting guest art (please let me know if you want to make something! Stick figures and MS Paint are perfectly acceptable, as is prose or anything really!), some comic reviews, and Seba has some fun ideas for interlude standalone pages we’ll be posting as well, so keep checking back 😀

If you’re worried about losing track of us, don’t forget we are on Facebook and Twitter and have an RSS feed and all that jazz. I’ll also post pages on Patreon as Seba makes them if you want to support there. Patreon supporters will get a bonus reward as part of the Kickstarter 😀

Oh, and it’s my birthday this week! XD