Chapter 4: Page 26 – Interlude 3

Today’s page is another overheard conversation between Tenzin’s dreams.  Just so you know that time is passing in the outside world 😉

Yesterday we posted another spotlight/interview, and Tuesday a crazy cool fanart featuring over 80 different webcomics’ characters.

Also don’t forget that you can help support us in a variety of ways.  There’s always our Patreon page, where different monthly pledges will earn you monthly rewards like access to more sketches, WIPs, pages in advance, hi res downloads, etc.  And if that isn’t financiall feasible for you, you can always just like my public posts, or share/tweet it to raise awareness 😀

Also, please do me a favor and click and vote for my entry in the TWC art contest this month.  I’m tying for 1st place currently! 😀