Chapter 4: Page 44 – New Friends

Hey look, a sequence of pages that doesn’t actually end that badly for Tenzin!  And yet, it still fits in with a general theme in these sequences.  What do YOU think it is? 😉

General news:

  1. I have my monster med-school test of death tomorrow.  Wish me luck/pray/offer sacrifices, etc!  Hopefully I don’t need the 8 HOURS they budget for the test.
  2. On Friday I posted another “Why I Read” review that you should check out.
  3. In fact, for the comic I reviewed I wrote a guest strip that just posted! I didn’t draw it, but I did write the joke 😀
  4. Our Russian translation mirror has almost 300 subscribers! Everyone give Amberlight a big hand for working so hard on it 😀
  5. And of course, please continue to vote for us on TWC. One of these days I’ll get a sexy button in the side bar for it, I promise.