Chapter 4: Page 9 – The Monastery

Wow, May already.  And the last page of this sequence.  Time sure flies!

Since it’s the start of a new month, the vote totals at TWC have reset, so please, give us a vote, and help us stay in the Top 100 😀

Also, don’t forget to check out our Patreon for fun bonus goodies.  We’re at like $60 a month right now.  If we get to $100, we can pay Seba to make an extra wallpaper/poster every month 😀

I have a very difficult challenge for you all on this page.  Can you figure out what Tibetan location inspired this monastery?  I’ll give you one hint, it isn’t a monastery right now, but it is a pretty cool site in Tibet.

Since this is a hard one, how about 5000 MCs?  Future hints will diminish the prize 😉

EDIT:  Forgot to thank Matias again for working on this sweet sequence with us.  Maybe we’ll get him to work with us more in the future 😀