Daemon Fauna – Dune Hopper

[Read Daemon Fauna – Introduction]



Simulation HK00183

Dipodomys gigas, aka “Dune Hopper”

Traditional grazing animals (sheep, cattle) are either extinct or poorly adapted to thrive in the current local ecosystem.  To raise amounts sufficient for human consumption requires levels of water resources unavailable at present, as well as overgrazing practices harmful to the fragile ecosystem as a whole.

My hope with the Dune Hopper is to capitalize on their innate water-conserving metabolism, increasing their size to that of the ancient Macropus, thus filling the niche of large grazing herd animal whilst avoiding some of their issues.

Obligate grazers, with a sophisticated gut microbiome to allow them to digest tough, dry grasses, and also facilitate plant growth via zoochory.

Found in family groups ranging between 10 to 20 members, typically where savannah or grassland meets desert.

Along with their ecological roles, should be a good source of protein and animal fibers for cloth production.



Initial simulations are promising, moving it to VB_001 for full testing, and entering it into the ex silico queue.

Dr. Havva Koçak


[Read next Daemon Fauna entry]

[art by Ethan Kocak of Black MudPuppy]