Dan’s life update – 1/7/13

It has been a good while since I have blogged anything, what with Christmas and New Years and everything distracting me.  Time to rectify that.

The day after exams my wife and I flew out to Arizona to spend Christmas with my family.  It’s the first time all of us have been together for Christmas for a long, long time, so my mom made sure to get a family picture or two in.  It was nice to spend a couple of days with my siblings and their families.  My two brothers, my brother-in-law and I all ended up getting Starcraft 2 and Battle.net accounts set up to play together.  That was some good male bonding, just like when we were kids 🙂  Probably the best part was watching all the kids open up their presents.  There were 5 under the age of 7, so there was a lot of excitement for Christmas and presents 🙂

After Christmas, we drove out to California to visit with my wife’s family for a couple of days.  I unfortunately got a pretty severe head-cold and probably wasn’t much fun to spend time with for a couple of days.  I was so clogged up with so much sinus pressure one day that it got up into my ears and I could barely hear.  Daytime-cold meds helped a lot though, so I was able to enjoy the family pictures we took there, and try to enjoy attending an art museum (which I realize now, not sick, was really really awesome).

So the holidays were great, just short.  I had a total of 10 days off from school, of which I spent 4 days traveling, so it wasn’t very relaxing.  School started up again last week; we’re studying the genitourinary system now.  I ended up passing cardiopulm with a decent grade, so that’s all good.

Anyways, that’s enough about me.  The project is going pretty well.  Nick printed the Chapter 1 covers for me, which are now being displayed proudly on the wall of my apartment.  We should be on track and on schedule pretty well for most of 2013.  Hopefully once we get a chapter or too done and get ourselves advertised a bit better we’ll start picking up some more traffic too 🙂