Every once in a while the internet makes me realize that there is hope for humanity

Happy Sunday internet!  I saw an article today that made me smile and decide that Reddit is awesome.

Man’s positive pregnancy test leads to cancer diagnosis with Reddit’s help – CBS News.

A Reddit user submitted a web comic known as a rage comic detailing his male friend’s experience of trying his ex-girlfriend’s unused pregnancy test as a joke. He was shocked when the result came back positive. (Warning: The link may contain content objectionable to some readers.)

While the user intended the story to be amusing, others pointed out that the false positive test could be a sign of testicular cancer.

Because the other Redditors told him about this, the user’s friend got tested, diagnosed with testicular cancer at an early enough stage to have about a 99% successful treatment rate.  That’s pretty sweet.  Way to go Reddit people.  Way to go internet.

Another article that restored some hope in humanity, and especially in US politics in culture comes from the Huffington Post.


With all the hullabaloo from extreme evangelicals that Mormon’s are cultists and from extreme liberals that they’re just weird for being religious and conservative, it was nice to read an article that tried to fairly and neutrally represent who they are as a people.

Curse me, why did I have to read the comments on this article?  Turns out people are still stupid and ignorant and unwilling to accept one another’s differences.  Oh well.  Baby steps.