Groovy, Kinda Cameo and TWC Contest

Hey everybody!

We got another cameo!  This one from fellow Underdog and reader Charlie Wise, creator of the webcomic Groovy, Kinda.  Apparently on his off days, Tenzin likes to take his poodle, Mr. Fluffles, on a walk, while wearing a Jane shirt.  😀

Thanks Charlie!  1000 MCs to you, good sir 😉

Also, thought I’d take to moment to remind you all about the cool contest we are currently winning.  It’s hosted by TopWebComics.  By getting the most people to click my unique link throughout March, the Demon Archives could get

  • 300,000 free advertising impressions in the spot of their choice.
  • Their image in the news area
  • a full review of the comic,
  • an interview with the comic owner.

That sounds pretty good to me.  We’re currently in the lead by a good margin, but there are lots of contenders and it goes for another 3 weeks.  I believe it counts your clicks just like it does votes: once per IP address per day.  If we win this, it could be really big.  We get a lot of traffic from TWC already, but big ads and publicity would be really significant in getting more readers.  So click away, every day 😀