Interlude – Bedtime Story: Page 1

Hey all! While we build up the buffer for chapter 15 (Neri just sent me the inks for the first page, it’s looking good! It’ll be up on the Patreon soon), I figure it’s been long enough since the Kickstarter that I can post this story that was originally exclusive to the print Volume 1. Story by me, and art by Angela Sisk, creator of the webcomic Numina. I’ll post it likely more frequently than once a month, but will shamelessly use it to build a buffer 😀

Remember, if you’d like to see us posting pages faster, the main limiting factor is $$. It costs me $50 to make an inked page, and I’m currently pulling it about $35 a month from Patreon/Book sales.

Keep an eye out for me updating the Characters page, and posting their complete character sheet/models.