Interlude – Bedtime Story: Page 4

Good news, Chapter 15 will start March 1st! For the rest of February, while we continue to build Chapter 15 buffer (full-color Chapter cover and 2 inked and lettered pages so far), you can continue to enjoy this story that was in the print Volume 1. Story by me, and art by Angela Sisk, creator of the webcomic Numina.

You may also have noticed a lot of changes around the site. We recently changed hosts, themes, plugins, you name it! A fair number of new features too, that you might notice if you check out the Comic Archive or Guest Art sections. Let me know if you find anything broken, or have suggestions on site features you’d like to see!

Remember, if you’d like to see us posting pages faster, the main limiting factor is $$. It costs me ~$50 to make an inked page, and I’m currently pulling it about $35 a month from Patreon/Book sales.