New gaming console: The OUYA

So I haven’t just blogged recently.  That’s probably because the most exciting thing going on for me is getting over a cold/flu and attending classes.  That or seeing all the awesome artwork that our artists are doing.  Seba is going forward very well with Chapter 2, and Matias is working on getting ahead in Chapter 4.  He already has several awesome pages done, which I wish I could show you, but they wouldn’t make sense yet.

Anyways, I read today about an interesting new gaming console that should be coming out this summer.  The OUYA (pronounched ooo-yeah, reminding me of the kool-aid man) is a completely open console running on Andrio and other such open source technologies.

According to their website:

OUYA will offer a broad range of games from all the genres you love. We’ve already lined up some great content from AAA game publishers such as Square Enix and NAMCO Bandai and independent developers like Tripwire Interactive, creators of The Ball, and Adam Saltsman, creator of Canabalt.

Plus, every game is free — well, free-to-try.Developers can offer a free demo with a full-game upgrade, in-game items or powers, or ask release episodic games. We don’t want you to buy a game unless you love it.

OUYA has great games and great apps. That includes video and music streaming players, entertainment apps, and anything else you can think of. Current partners include VEVO, iheartradio, TuneIn, XBMC, Plex,, and OnLive. Play games, watch videos, and listen to music all through OUYA, in the comfort of your living room.

Sounds pretty great to me.  Especially since Square Enix is going to port some of their Final Fantasy games over too (although sadly not FF6 or 7, yet).  The $99 price tag and the fact that all games have some free-to-play elements are both pretty big selling points for me too.  If only I had a nice TV, this might actually be worth purchasing 🙂

Anyone else heard about this yet?  Or any other cool alternative to the one of the big name consoles?