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Story Synopsis:

Set in 22nd century Earth, over 100 years after the 3rd World War, the Demon Archives tells the survivors’ stories as they struggle to rebuild civilization. In Book One, we’ll learn about Minerva, one of the few high tech organizations that survived the War.  Made up of three specialized organizations – Aegis to protect, Glaucus to innovate, and Oculus to inform – Minerva established a beacon of hope in the dreary wasteland of central Asia.

Minerva: Book One of the Demon Archives follows the story of Tenzin, a Minervan soldier, and his Oracle AI, Jane, as they fight to protect the ideals Minerva stands for in an increasingly chaotic world.

With a heavy basis in real science and technology with a healthy dollop of imagination, The Demon Archives will show you how life could be in a post-apocalyptic Earth.

Click to go to the first page of the comic.


How to Navigate the Site:

We’re constantly working on improving the workings of the website, so we’ll keep this section updated with instructions and explanations.

Currently there are several different ways you can access and read the comic:

  1. Click on the big image above to go to the first page of the comic in a pretty standard comic reader (although we’re still working on the First/Last buttons and allowing clicking on the image to move you forward).  The button to advance is currently (unfortunately) below the blurb and the Share/Appreciate/Comment buttons.  We’re working on it.
  2. From the Home page, click on the big button labeled Read the Latest Page  or Start from the Beginning.
  3. Click on the big button on the Home page labeled Browse the Archives.  Alternatively, from any page, click on the Archive tab at the top.  Both will take you to an archive where you can see all the pages in from latest to oldest in a filterable format.  You can select the Chapter tags at the top right of the page to sort the comic and click on the page you wish to read.
  4. Chapters (under the Archive) lists each chapter in order, so you can choose where to start reading the story.
  5. Subscribe to the RSS feed and read it from your own reader.


Other Content:

Along with the comic pages we are striving to produce a lot of extra content in world.  The Extras tab at the top has a couple of sub-categories that you may find interesting:

  1. Lore:  Articles expanding on the background and history of the world of the Demon Archives, including the events that happened between now and the 2100s as well as events that happened slightly different than in the “real” world.  Written from the perspective of a 22nd century researcher, they explore the rich and boundless history of this world we’ve created.
  2. Science:  Similar to the Lore section, Science articles explain and expound on the many different scientific and technological advances made by Minerva.  Most of these are based on current, real science, with a healthy dose of imagination and speculation into the future.  That’s what makes this sci-fi, after all.
  3. Guest Content:  These articles could easily fit under Lore or Science, expect for the fact that they weren’t written by us.  It is a place for content written by guest collaborators.  Anyone who has an idea that can fit into the canon of our story (which really has very few restrictions) is welcome to propose a short story, article, journal, encyclopedia entry, etc and write it up with us.  If it meets our limited criteria, we’ll publish it on our site, giving full credit and linking to the collaborator however they wish.
  4. Links:  Some links to other sites and comics around the web that we enjoy.  If you want to be listed here, give us a ping.  We’ll only post your link if we actually do enjoy it though 😉


If you have any questions, send us an email at webmaster or dan at demonarchives dot com.