Robo Religion, by Adriano

Adriano, reader and fan extraordinaire, sent me this fan art that espouses a “Grand Unified Webcomic theory”, specifically between The Demon Archives and Greasy Space Monkeys.  Per Adriano:

It shows the RoboReligion from GSM and TDA crossover made by the commentaries community.
At first plan, we have Errorbot the Prophet saying “I have seen beyond the Veil !” and Deathbot the Paladin, wandering through a desert.
At second plan, we can see Casper’s and Jane’s faces. Casper the Creator, with some tanned skin and more blonde hair because of his desert wandering. Jane the Messiah, the ethereal savior of the Robots and Machines.

I have not read enough GSM, nor its comment section, to fully understand this, but I accept this artistic offering.  Thanks, Adriano 😀