Robotics Lesson, by Funari

Alright, each week of the hiatus I’m going to make sure to post SOMETHING at least each Monday, along with an update of our plans πŸ™‚

First, this guest art, by Funari, creator of the urban-fantasyish comicΒ Raison d’Etre. Click the banner below πŸ˜‰

RaisonDeTre banner

Second, I’ve ordered some proofs of the Chapters 1-3 printed volume from KaBlam, which should get here by next week! Then I can take pictures and incorporate it into the video for the Kickstarter πŸ™‚

Third, Nick is hopefully almost done with his move, and will get working on updating the website (hint hint nudge nudge when you see this) πŸ˜‰

Fourth, still accepting (pleading for) additional guest content we can share. Art, poems, fanfics, you name it πŸ™‚