Singularity thoughts part 4 – Sooner than we might think?

My friend Kyle chatted me up today after reading some of my previous Singularity thoughts posts with some really good websites made by people who are seriously considering the real-life applications of the Singularity (instead of just writing silly blog posts about it).  I haven’t read through everything on these websites yet, but there is a lot of really cool stuff.

  1.  Essentially a philosophy blog about rationalism, with a lot of thought and info about what the singularity might mean and how it will be good.
  2. Singularity Institute: A group that thinks the Singularity will be happening soon and seems to want to want help people get ready for it.  It might just be some multi-level marketing scam (I haven’t looked deep enough to know for sure) but it does talk about a lot of the same (real and current) tech that we will be basing our story off of.

I’ll just do these two for now.  I think that a lot of my future posts will come as I read cool things on these sites.  One teaser about our story is that (from the Lesswrong link) our approach to the Singularity is likely to be similar to the third approach they describe (The Intelligence Explosion).

Do you think that the Singularity can happen?  Will happen?  Should happen?  How do you imagine it going down?  Killer robots?  Cyborgs?  Super smart Siri’s helping us out?  Let me know below.

P.S.  A little unrelated, but very funny: Virtual Reality Comic