Skinning faces, car repairs and elections – a tale of Tuesday, November 6th

This blog post will be fairly brief because I need to write up and finish, I mean, I need to edit the Lore article done by an obviously real historian. From the future.

Right. Well, I just wrote and uploaded this post and it disappeared on me.  So I’ll try to write it again.

Yesterday I skinned a lady’s face, held her brain in my hands and chipped through her skull to look at the muscles of her eye.  Before you think I’m a psychopath, remember that I’m in medical school, and that this was in anatomy lab.  It was still creepy though.  I feel a little bit like we’re desecrating her remains, even though we try to be respectful.  It’s probably because we just throw away anything we remove from her body (like skin, pieces of bone, etc) instead of saving it to be cremated or something.  Makes me kind of sad, and I don’t think I would want to donate my body to science now.

On a less creepy note, my car is in the shop.  Something with the fuel line is making it impossible to add gas to the tank.  Hopefully it’s a cheap and quick fix, because we only have one car, and it’s cold outside.  I don’t want to walk all the way to school.  We have good friends who are letting us carpool with them right now.

My only political post for this year is this:  Yay!  It’s done!  I can stop seeing everyone’s posts and stupid news articles about the election.  Finally.  I wish we could just all compromise on things and get along instead of competing and trying to “win”.

Anyways, I think I got everything that WordPress deleted on me.  Look for the Lore post later today, and like, follow, subscribe etc to our page 🙂