
Yesterday, almost adding insult to injury, we had a decent sized snow storm in New Jersey.  Luckily, we didn’t lose any power, but a lot of people either still don’t have power back from Hurricane Sandy or they lost it again, meaning they had to suffer in the cold, which really isn’t any fun (I’ve done it).  It did make for a very beautiful landscape last night when I looked out of our apartment window.  I should have taken a picture, but I didn’t.  Oh well.  I’ll just steal someone else’s photo and call it good.

I personally like snow, because it looks so clean and pure.  Maybe it’s because I grew up in Arizona, where it basically never snows unless you are up in the mountains.  I didn’t even make a snowman until I was 13!  I remember that it snowed a tiny bit once when I was 9.  It was during Sunday School, and our teacher let us go outside to play in the lightly falling snowflakes.  They all melted before they touched the ground, but it was awesome.  Later, in college, I got some friends to hike Y mountain with me.  It wasn’t snowing down in the valley, but it was up on the mountain, which was also pretty fun 🙂

I’m also glad that it didn’t snow enough to get school cancelled, because we are already a week behind.  Our final for anatomy is next Friday, and there is still so much to learn before then.  It’s hard for me to study a ton, because I’m way more interested in how our webcomic is doing.  It’s fun looking at page views and stuff 🙂

Anyways, I should start paying attention in class.  Check out page 2 of the comic, and please comment places letting us know what you think.  We can’t get better without input 🙂