rank and The Demon Archives

Hey all!

Don’t know if many of you actually read the blog posts and not just the most recent comic page (for which I don’t blame you, because it’s more exciting than me just talking about stuff), but I wanted to talk about how we are doing on the ranking.

Thanks to Delta-v, one of our first consistent commentators on the site, we got The Demon Archives up on the TWC list a couple of months ago.  Since then, we’ve gotten enough votes to be in the top 200 webcomics on the site (YAY!), which has been enough to actually drive a lot of traffic to our site.  We probably get 2 or 3 visitors from TWC every day, most of whom then stick around to read the whole comic.  This is awesome.

To those of you who may have come from TWC, welcome!  Stick around!  Comment!  Let us know what you’d like to see more of!  And most of all, if you came from TWC because you saw us on the list, and liked us enough to read us, would you mind giving us an upvote over there?

Those who’ve been readers for a long time, if you think our comic is cool enough that you are still here reading, can you do us a simple favor and click over to TWC and vote for The Demon Archives?  Thanks.  (Is 3 links to it enough?)

You can vote once every 24 hours per IP address.  So if you like us a lot, maybe consider voting every day?  It might seem silly or simple, but it can actually drive a lot of traffic.  We’re a fairly new and small comic, paying Seba per page (not just with nebulous future profits), but we have big dreams.  We hope to do a print run after chapter 3, but we need fans who might want to fund it 🙂

Anyways, please vote!  We’ll periodically update the vote incentive wallpaper over on TWC.  Right now, it’s a sweet Holiday Wallpaper.

Ya’ll are awesome!