Weekend Sketch #1

Hey all!

Nick and I have been talking about adding some new features and types of posts to the website to fill out the week around and between page updates.  One of those was the idea of sharing some of the sketches and early inks of pages on Saturdays.  There will be some other additions that I’ll reveal as the weeks go forward.  So without further ado, I give you the very first rough sketch Seba made of this page.  Err..rather, I gave you that above, and hoped that you came all the way down here to read about it 😀

What do you think?  Any particular suggestions any of you might have for content we could share on different days?

EDIT:  Seba wanted me to make sure you all knew that Seba drew this page trying to match the first panel of the next page, drawn by Matias, to provide a bit more continuity.  So check back on Monday to see the original panel that Seba based this on 😉