Chapter 3: Page 9 – My Captain?

Happy Thursday, everyone!

In case you didn’t see my post about it already, we got another review!  It’s a little long, has more of a humorous tone, and points out some problems we noticed about the comic early on and have been trying to improve.  Please leave us your thoughts on the critique and some questions I had in regards to it over on that post.

Also, March is fast approaching.  A new month means a new chance to try for a higher rank on, which means more readers, and maybe someday more money for us to pay Seba with 🙂  So if you like us and can click a couple of links, click on over and vote for us.  You can vote for every comic once per day per IP address.  I’m bugging Nick about making a button for each comic page to make it easy for those of you who’d like to vote.  For now, I’ll probably just bother you about it in these author notes 😉

Another fun fact, reader Jason Clayton is working in one of his classes to make a 3D printed model of Tenzin and the Deathbot!  Nifty!  And Nate the Robot studied (of all things) electrical engineering/robotics in school, so I can run robot and AI ideas by him, just like Amberlight can check my Russian 😉  Anyone else have any fun skills or anything they want to bring to the table?  I’ll give you Minerva Credits (redeemable for cred, maybe even some swag)  😀

And lastly, I’m reaffirming my decision to not spoil how things go down.  I really can neither confirm or deny anything, because it would ruin what we are trying to make you feel and experience as you read the comic.  Sorry!