Critique of The Demon Archives – by School of Psychologics

Hey, listen! *channeling my inner Navi*

We got another review/critique!  It’s from Snark, creator of webcomic Anybody There? and the new webcomic review website School of Psychologics.  It’s kind of long, but goes pretty detailed into what the author thinks are some strengths and weaknesses of our comic and site.

I’d like to bring a couple up and get your thoughts on it:

  1. Home page vs latest page:  Do you guys like the way the home page looks or would you rather have the latest page on it front and center?
  2. The Prologue:  Too annoying tell-y, or helpful in setting the scene/overcoming the too wordy first couple of pages of Chapter 1?
  3. Wordiness and Show vs Tell:  I know I was pretty bad at this in early Chapter 1.  Does it get better?  How are Chapters 2 and 3 feeling?
  4. Tenzin’s actions:  Do they seem unbelievably irrational/dumb?
  5. Anything else that stuck out to you in the critique or in thinking back about the comic?

Thanks a bunch guys, you rock.  And thanks again Snark for the feedback and spotlight 😀